Browsing: Education

Mayor Capello also said that according to the audit, the City’s net position between year-end 2020 and year-end 2021 decreased from 11.6 to 6.6. For reference, the government’s net position is determined by the difference between an entity’s assets plus deferred outflows of resources and its liabilities plus differed inflows of resources.

As we enter the height of cold and flu season, combined with the constant threat of new COVID strains, it’s important to remember that life-threatening viruses are still actively spreading at high rates. To compound the issue, millions of Americans, especially among our youngest and most vulnerable demographics, have yet to receive a vaccine or booster.

Philadelphia, PA- If you sell products or services and usually use the name of your business or have a specific work of art that goes with that, you need to get a trademark or you will face the consequence of someone else who will claim your commercial symbol or name and can virtually stop you from using said symbol or name in commercial dealings.

This conversation about “economic justice” is one that I have been part of through my community involvement and one that is always coming back to us throughout time. Economic prosperity seems to last for a certain amount of time but then the growth stops, and we find ourselves in the same cycle. One of the challenges about the topic at hand is answering the question-Can we reach optimal economic justice? – meaning, are we able to create a system that will help everyone in developing a dignified life?

Lancaster, PA- Hey friend, I just got out from a college class, yesssss a college class, I am graduating this year from Millersville University with a digital communications degree but that is a story for a different day because I paid my way out of college and that is kind of a cool story

We all want—need, really—to have our stories told. And it takes wise storytellers to do it, especially if we become unable to fully do it ourselves.